Why is Gardening Important to You?

Dr. Eric Berg

March 15, 2023

Dr. Eric Berg | Nutrition Specialist | Why is Gardening Important to You

Gardening is a great hobby that offers health benefits to you, your family and your community. It can improve your mood, boost creativity, and provide a stress-relieving activity.

It also helps you adopt healthier eating habits, constantly supplying nutrient-filled fruits and vegetables. Plus, gardening can help you avoid the dangers of toxic chemicals found in pesticides.

It’s Good for Your Health

If you’re already doing your part to keep your body in shape by going for a run or lifting weights, gardening should also be on your list. Gardening does more than make your yard look pretty or deliver fresh produce: It can boost your immune system, sharpen your brain and reduce stress.

The physical activity of hauling bags of mulch, pushing a wheelbarrow, hoeing rows, picking weeds and planting seeds provides a full-body workout that’s easy on the joints. Plus, a half-hour under the sun can provide a healthy dose of vitamin D, essential for your bones and immune system.

Studies have shown that gardening can help lower blood pressure, increase serotonin production, and boost your mood. It also reduces anxiety and improves self-esteem.

It’s Good for the Environment

Gardening is a great way to connect with nature and help the environment. It is an excellent hobby for both adults and children to enjoy. It is also a very therapeutic activity.

Many plant gardens for various reasons, including brightening their outdoor spaces and improving their home’s curb appeal. A well-maintained garden helps provide an area for wildlife and a source of fresh produce that can cut costs on the grocery bill.

In addition to these benefits, gardening can be an important way to combat climate change. The process of photosynthesis is a great way to capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and prevent it from escaping into the air.

Moreover, gardeners can reduce their environmental impact by practising mulching and composting kitchen and garden waste. These practices can significantly reduce the greenhouse gas emissions produced by gardens, mainly methane, a potent greenhouse gas.

It’s Good for the Community

A garden is an excellent way to connect with your neighbours. It also gives people a sense of ownership in their community.

As a result, it can help improve community health and reduce crime in your neighbourhood. In addition, gardens can increase access to fresh, better-quality foods and reduce food costs.

The social benefits of community gardening are well documented. Studies have shown that gardening can increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables by individuals, especially children.

This is important because fruit and vegetable consumption can lead to a healthier lifestyle, reduce stress levels, and improve overall health and wellness.

In addition, gardeners can learn about and cultivate their cultural traditions. This can be helpful for individuals struggling with a sense of identity or trying to connect with their heritage.

It’s Good for the Planet

Gardening can help slow climate change by incorporating sustainable practices such as adding native plant diversity, improving soil health, growing heat-tolerant vegetable crops and using stormwater management techniques. This type of gardening is called climate-resilient gardening.

Gardens also provide habitats for animals and other wildlife. By creating gardens for birds, bees, butterflies, spiders and squirrels, gardeners give these animals a place to thrive.

Additionally, plants can sequester carbon dioxide in the air through photosynthesis. This is a powerful tool in the fight against climate change.

Growing your food can significantly reduce your carbon footprint and help the planet. The average grocery store food travels about 1,500 miles before reaching your local market.